Asking my friend about life with her four boys she is just glowing, bathing me in her radiating smile. "It is just all about being gentle"
She speaks kindly, openly and listens the same way to them, and her boys are, well, free! I see her honouring their choices, their autonomy every step of the way and I just love bearing witness to gentleness in action.
Living busy lives with small children who have their "own" worlds to live in, and getting it all to flow, honouring all needs doesn't have to be impossible or even difficult. When we are in our own flow, thinking expansive thoughts, positive projection of what our day holds, how sweetly things will flow, how wonderfully I will flow and radiate acceptance of all situations that arise today.
When we are parentling gently, or children are gentle. Our children are receptive, open and so ready to laugh, to share their moments with you. Free to explore.
Reading Abraham-Hicks today was so much fun! I especially love reading Abrahams perspectives on parenting. The base line of all interactions with our kids really IS trust and how they are here at the leading edge of thought, they have come "wireless ready" tuned in, tapped in, and they are their authentic selves. Our responce ability to them is simply azllowing them to show us what they are here to do!
It is a huge leap for some, to think, "really? i am not here to mold my child into my image, with my exact ideals?" Abraham says, no we are not. The next generation, created in the here and now, are her to expand on what has already been thought, and therefore manifested, they aren't here to do what has always been done!
The Leading Edge of thought is such an interesting image for me, because I often look at the Education system, struggling in its old paradigm ways to be the "it" for today's kids, but they havent come to earth to be coerced into doing whats been done before! They are here, now, living to send out whole new ways to be, expand and bring in whole new "realities" if you will.
Today, witnessing this devine mama, gently parenting, patiently mothering, she was giving such a beautiful gift to her boys. The space for them to be who they are here to be.
What a wonderful day, to live in love and to be reminded that there is no need to over complicate parenting.
Love ALL ways <3