How many "have to's" are on your list today? Feeling good? Feeling ready to tackle that long exciting list of to do's?? Oh, wait....hmmmmm, just gotta talk a bit more bout my have to's...
How does your body feel when you pile on the "have to's"?
I am speaking in terms of Law of Attraction, and what are you bringing into your reality when you tell yourself you "have to" do something. Think for a moment about the emotion attached to the way we use "have to"... it is often associated with moving away from pain, it is a strong emotion which in turn has a powerful attraction capability, to alter reality to meet with what you are feeling.
When we are saying to reality "I have to....pay this debt" we are in actuality intensifying the negative vibration (predicting what will happen if this have to isn't tended to, fearing the fearsome future consequence if our particular have to is not done.) and closing ourselves to possibilities of things happening and working out in an unexpected way. Therefore attracting, not only resistance to the debt being payed but also the attraction of MORE feelings of having to do your something.
Our have to's tend to be born out of pain. "I have to walk everyday, I'll just be so fat if I don't" Chore. Drudgery, and a downer isn't it. "I have to walk, but I just didn't get round to it today, maybe tomorrow." Bingo, the have to is STILL there!
The "have to " creates the "have to" emotional state. This emotional state, right now, you can feel within you. Say for example your pile of washing is growing and growing. How to do feel when you "have to" do it?
Panic, urgency, frustration, tense, annoyance at any event that holds you up?
This is all resistant thought, resistant feelings that contribute to you being out of your power, your peace, your allowance of things unfolding and simply happening. The "have to" emotional state is charged and it's powerful. As we are pretty conditioned to "fear of the future"mode: ie, this can't happen unless my have to's get done, and if it doesn't happen everything will be ruined for ever!
It is not always "I have to go and have an awesome day!!!" most often we use this phrase while we are thinking about things that need to be done, to get us to a feeling place, somewhere in the future, where ALL tasks will be completed and you will be in peace. But!!!!! in the reality you are creating, you will continue to attract the vibration of having to do something because that is what you are telling yourself, and therefore having the experience of.
Alternative ways to tell the story of things that need to be done then. Firstly, catch yourself out about how many times in a day you actually say "i have to..", stand guard at the doorway of your mind and consciously correct yourself, give yourself an out to get to a better feeling place about a task. Because if we approach a task from a resistant state, a state of "have to", a state of disempowerment, that state of desperate need. How, how is it gonna get done with ease?
It never can.
Be in a state of positive expectation!
This puts you in your state of allowing, your vortex of infinite possibility of how something can get done, it opens you up, to not just being the sole way this task can be completed. There are infinite gifts in each situation, there are infinite ways in which something can be done. In a state of positive expectation, you can see and be open to new possibilities.
"I choose to....make the time today to....."
"I trust my ability to manage my emotions and think clearly and approach tasks in a relaxed way"
"I know this will be done"
These statements, stories that you can choose to tell yourself as an alternative to the resistant and disallowing "have to" story, are just some of the ways you can put your self in a better frame of mind about your day.
The next time your kids are taking up all of your time, and the housework is piling up, is a chance for you to choose peace and allowance over toxic stress and frustration.
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