This is a journal of our families adventures in Unschooling, Uncooking
and reThinking everything we've been told is 'reality'!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


The surest way to start attracting more greatness, abundance and magic into your life is carrying and attitude of gratitude everywhere you go. Thankfullness is extraordinary, it turns potentially difficult and dramatic situations into an opportunity for expansion, for growth every single time.

In fact, there is nothing you cannot be grateful for.

Everyday I walk with my kids and I spend the entire walk, smiling into my heart, thinking of everything in my life that I am grateful for. It could start anywhere, for example, I am so grateful for the grass growing here, it's so springy and feels delicious to walk on!

Start small if it is hard to think of things to have warm gratitude for in your life. If it doesnt feel "real" to act/speak this way, fake it till you make it. EVERY act of gratitude, opens the heart more and more and soon, there will be an endless list of things to be grateful for in every *now* moment, and the good things as your vibration raises start to occur in your life, seemingly out of nowhere! You are in a state of no resistance when you are grateful and that means you can allow beautiful things to happen in your experience!

Life presents traffic. Gratitude, there is time to breathe, be present, feel where there is tension in the body, dream up a big awesome future, time. wow. the potential in every single situation is incredible.

Our cultivation of the Gratitude Quotient our "GQ" is so easy!

Journal 3 minutes per day, all that you are grateful for and you will be amazed, truely amazed at the huge joy that you begin to feel, how easy it becomes to fully embrace what is (Radical Acceptance). Noticing what you have already, what you enjoy about what surrounds you, in your home, outside, who are you with?

Journaling or simply noticing and being thankful puts you in a naturally receiving state. For example, I have started to be truely thankful for my passions and gifts, the very thing that I can offer up to the world. I am so grateful for my particular talents.

Being grateful has put me in a great state of allowing, and low and behold, opportunities arrive in front of me ALL the time to express and enjoy giving my passion to the world, and I get to grow and keep on learning while this happens. In this state of expansion, being in alignment with what you most desire or want doesn't mean the wanting ends, it simply means there is MORE to be thankful for, which puts you in a vibrationally allowing state and therefore attracts more of what you want into your life. The possibilities for co creation are truely astounding.

I anticipate and expect great things happening in my life, I anticipate and am grateful for each and everything that happens to me, people I meet and this truely great time we are living.

Yours, In Gratitude!

1 comment:

  1. Gratitude is such a great and easy way to being to see you most Ideal lifestyle - it has changed mine, totally! So much so that I put together a free MP3 that anyone can get hold of at my webpage, I would be delighted to help anyone along this journey.
