This is a journal of our families adventures in Unschooling, Uncooking
and reThinking everything we've been told is 'reality'!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Parenting For Social Change

"Graham Brett helps her readers dig deep into how we may have been controlled as children – largely due to the social and cultural environments of the time – and to consider how they shape our views as parents."
~Wendy Priesnitz, Life Learning Magazine

What a great honour and a privilage it is to be parenting *now* in this age where we are questioning everything we have ever been told to "do" with our kids and reason we parent the way we parent. Why do many not question the old paradigm of raising children. What about the concept that children raise us! That our children come as autonomous, capable people who do not need to be trained, but who simply require being heard, really listened to.

I have been reading the website "Parenting for Social Change" and I am just floored everytime I read a new post. This is one website that every parent would benefit having on their reading list. Or alternatively you could click on this link and find a whole new way of relating through this amazing publication!

Click here to view more details

We are birthing children that are hardwired for change, and they are *showing* us the way. Let's tune in, let go and feel our way through our fears, our hangups and start questioning humanities memes about raising the next generation!


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