This is a journal of our families adventures in Unschooling, Uncooking
and reThinking everything we've been told is 'reality'!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Ahhh...I just wanted to blog a bit about a personal development course I have recently embarked on. It is a 56 day journey in which you really get down deep into what you are really passionate about. I absolutely love it!!!!!

Basically there are these 8 paths that you journey on, as you are mentored by these really amazing people, who are living their Best Life. I am so amazed at the changes taking place within me. It is really like a total shift into this really cool awareness of each moment.

This amazing world within that you learn to tend to, so that you can really, really live anything you dream of, in your power, in real belief in your inner power. As they say "IF you don't go within, you go without."

At the moment I am on the third week of this course and it is about the Law of Attraction. woah! powerful stuff, now if you have never heard of Universal Law (it's not a new thing, it is something that as we are shifting our perception to a new paradigm of "co-creation" we are real-eyes-ing (really seeing) that we are much more than we have ever dreamed, so, so much more powerful than we have allowed ourselves to imagine.

Let me give you a little low down, the LoA is about what you give your attention, energy and focus to, you will be attracting everything of a similar vibration to that which you are feeling or putting out there. So, what are you putting out there, in your infinate power right now? Are you focusing on what it is you don't want or are you soaring, feeling good as you confidently put your dreams out there?

What ever you are putting out will attract the same this isn't *new* to me, but what I am seeing as I flow through this course is that I have a: power over what i choose to create b: the ability to respond with awareness (response-ability) to situations taking place around me or to me. I am actually starting to really get it, and see the results of my focused awareness and attention.

I am so grateful right now that I have this course to assist me in really focusing on my life, what my passions are, how to use them to give to others, which in all truth, is what we are all really here for. To share, what we know, what we are learning, what we love, with others so that we may enrich, enliven and empower whomever we come into contact with.

There is just so much I could write about this, and sing its praises and I am sure there are great books out there about personal growth, in fact , I KNOW there are great books out there. This course however offers something unique, it is done online and in your personal journal. It is a course which for 56 days you follow instructions as you delve deep into your dreams and goal and passions, your beliefs, what are you holding onto that you no longer need, how are you speaking, responding and breathing. Committing to each day is a commitment to yourself! The rewards are so worth it!

What I love about this course is that it is daily practice and in 8 weeks you will have formed amazing habits that assist you in making the best out of each and every day you have here on this magical, realm of all possibility, Earth. <3

1 comment:

  1. That is so wonderful Holly. Thankyou for sharing so beautifully and for being the shining star that you are. <3 <3 <3
