This is a poem my friend Dan was inspired to write after attending the Rethinking Everything Conference last year! en*joy
Coloring Outside The Lines
Some invest heavily
In wrong and right
As if the world
Were black and white
Suppose you took
The color away
There’d still be
Countless shades of gray
Countless opinions
And points of view
Countless thoughts
On which to chew
Should you find something
That works for you
You may want to assume
It will work for me too
But I am unique
In my view of the world
How my thoughts and beliefs
Have swirled and twirled
In what I’ve experienced
What I like and detest
In what brings me joy
Or brings out my best
If I am to find
My place on this Earth
If I’m to find meaning
Feel value and worth
I require the freedom
To play and explore
To learn from mistakes
To make even more
To try on ideas
To try out new things
To find my own truth
To give my heart wings
To be sacred me
In a rainbow of colors
Not a two-tone clone
Spoon fed by others
No matter how good
Their intentions may be
No one else can see
What’s right for me
I am more capable
Than you can know
Your fears and limits
Won’t help me grow
Coloring outside the lines
Is essential
Like you, I am born
Of pure potential.
Dan Coppersmith
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