I want to explore for a moment the way we put value on our kids learning experiences why there are memes in society by which it is normal to think that writing, reading something "learned", putting together a project, or doing a science experiment is more valuable than perhaps, playing an iPad.
My son is into his iPad, big time. As a child, I would never have been allowed unlimited access to a gaming device, especially during the school week and and certainly not on a church day....as you can imagine when M let us know that an iPad was really something he wanted to bring into his life experience, I was a little concerned "is this all he will do?" From my own upbringing where value was placed on somethings and not others as educational, I had a few niggly little fears to work through.
As Quinn Eaker (whole life learner, entreprenuer) so fabulously says: parent functionally by feeling the dysfunction and doing the opposite. Well it goes a bit like that anyway. How do we do that? Feel the fear, acknowledge, but DON'T project onto your child!!!! ((Child climbs to top of tree confidently. you catch him swaying waaay up there. instead of freaking out and saying "watch it you'll fall!!!" (self fullfilling prophecy) you breathe count to three. and confidently project assurance and a relaxed energy.))
The new children are coming here on the Leading Edge of thought, as Abraham Hicks says, and Oh my Goodness are they ever! Abe says "they have come cable ready" simply meaning they get technology, it's not a mistake, they are not growing up the way kids used to grow up, but, they KNOW what they are in for before they come, ie, they know our tech is where it's at now (have they come to expand on the leading edge of thought???) could it be that they are actually here to be more. do more. say more. think more. create more. co create more than has ever even been thought of before? where are the new thinkers of expansive thoughts taking us now?
Imagine, everything you see around you from infrastructure, to zoo's, to homes, to electricity cables, to underground water pipes, to cars, anything, was once originated by a thought. How could it be here now if it wasn't? Thoughts are the stuff of things, they make things, and if living life causes us to think more things, then would not Every experience be valid? If expansive thought is our true and real work?
Sets you free doesn't it!
I truely think this is the case, so before we get all freaky about "why does he play it so much?"-he needs to it is his(work) it is causing expansion, "does he ever do anything else?"-yes he does, "what is he getting out of that?"-heaps, i imagine! Lets KNow and completely trust their passions, their expansion through activities and experiences that we may only have "thought" could be possible when we were children.
We are in such a special time, living through a massive shift in our conciousness, what has been done before, done over and over and over (like typical cereal box schooling) , has actually caused us to think more about new realities we would like to create, to manifest now, and that's why I have free range kids, thats why i rethink schooling, that's why i do the opposite of what has been done and done to death, life caused me to expand, rethink and co create a new version of reality. It is an interesting way to live, huh?
If they are living life, they have cause for expansion, they dream, they desire more and they bring it forth into their lives becasue I KNOW, they are powerful creators, I KNOW I am a powerful creator, they see me living that life of trust and expansion and happiness and freedom~to think.
I love this life, this expansion and this opportunity we have to be co creators of a whole new experience.
Life Rocks. Enjoy the Ride!!!
if you decide you like iPads, like my son did, you can check them out
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