Birthing Lotus in love and trust.

Our Unassisted Birth Experience <3
I woke during Tuesday night,feeling deep in my cervix the beginnings of our special day of birthing. i awoke early Wednesday with a huge show and went up to the house to light a fire and make Raspberry Leaf Tea. I thought alot about Moss and our love and how i hoped it would grow bigger as we welcomed our new companion to our family.
Sensations were between 10 and 15 minutes apart, so i relaxed, went to the truck and breastfed Moss as he woke up and trusted my body doing its work without examinations or even a thought as to how far i was opening. i just knew it would all happen today.
At about 10 am, i started to really have to concentrate as i experienced each sensation. I put on my birth relaxation and settled in, Peck put hot compresses with Clary Sage on my back and womb as i felt them coming. They were still 10 minutes apart and remained that way until about 4 pm.

During the day I walked around, got in different positions, played with Peck and Mossy in the garden, and ate and drank plenty. Contractions were still taking my attention but i wasn't in the Zone yet by any means. A quick call to Kimba my beautiful birthing coach after a contraction reflected that indeed the hormones were flowing, although at ten mins apart(-still)! Labour could go any way and I should trust, surrender to it and thank my body for the sweet rythmic opening that she is doing all by herself!
At 3:50pm, i sat on the toilet and was rocked by three contractions within ten minutes, I called Kimba at 4pm and let her know, she advised me to drop out of my head and into my body. She said if the contractions get to consistantly 4 mins apart to fill that birthing pool! I stood in front of the computer and timed each one for the next twenty minutes. 3 minutes apart straight down to 2!!! I had skipped the 4 minute point!
I called to Dot (Pecks mama) and Peck to fill the pool and quick! Kimba had asked me to say what i needed to say to them and get out of my head. I was getting rocked by now and felt a huge huge urge to purge everything i could from my body, I had also a strong sense of urgency sort of a controlled panic and as i entered the room where the pool was almost half full, i had a strong contraction and my waters popped! That must have been about 4:45pm. (i am guessing)
i jumped in that pool a fast as i could, my incredible family team had it at a comfortable 37 degrees and presented a lush fruit smoothy to me i put as much of my body in that half filled pool as i could, my sense of urgency progressed into fearful thoughts surfacing in my concious mind.
Peck had knelt in front of me as we both became aware that i was in transition. As much as i could muster, not really able to speak but doing my best, i voiced my huge looming fear of the birth progressing as Mossy's birth did resulting in intervetion, and all the wonderful preparation that we had done was for nothing, that i would never be able to do that again. I could never do it, could i just give up now and go home?
Deciding to acknowledge and let go, let go, let go
surrende.r surrender. surrender NOW....
Once my fears were aired suddenly my body rocked with waves that were indescribable. They were now coming in two fully powerful waves in the one contraction and my body was bearing down during part of it! Stage 2 had begun!!!! Already????? I grunted through that contraction and yelled "Why do I want to PUSH????"
Dot encouraged me to change positions while we were doing so she asked me "Where is baby Now, Holly?"
" I don't know!!!" I shouted, but her question prompted me to deeply look within and "see" my child.
The next conrtaction confirmed what I witnessed and I was able to say, "she's here, she's coming". The sensations were truely powerful and baby so close to her destination was so encouraging for me. Dot anchored me, holding me, wet cold towels on my face, encouraging me to breathe the pain out as i roared.i never wanted her eyes to leave mine. She gave me cups of water between contractions, which were definately more like expulsions by now....Peck, so strong, behind me all the way, putting wonderful pressure on my back and hips, watching this miracle unfold. my anchors.
i felt down, touching her wonderful hairy crown as she descended, i surprised myself by commentating between the massive contractions about what was happening! She pushed ever forward, slid back a little like she was gaining momentum for her entrance!!!
Intuitively I held my Perenium during each thunderous contraction, Peck passed me a little towel which helped but I suddenly realised after the burning senstation that she had crowned and i could touch her precious face!!! I knew it was going to be a moment and there she would be.
I spoke softly," I am ready to meet you honey" my body was on pause. I told Peck and Momba that she was going to slide out, i would now birth her body with the next contraction, it was graceful, all was still. sip of water. breathe.
A rush and there she was. Peck saw her somersault thru the water, held her gently, brought her up to the surface. Birthed into the golden evening light.

I was semi in shock, and awe, Paige ran in to take the first photo.
i was oblivious, i turned around to sit after birthing on all fours in the pool and Peck handed her to me. I just recognised her straight away. I knew she would look like this! here she is in her isness at last.
The rest unfolded as it did. I sat in amazement. Dottie was saying "magical birth! wonderful birth!" and announcing the time she breathed. I sat watching her as she sneezed and cleared her nose and throat resting on my empty belly. A small cry and calmness all around, she floated gently supported in the warm water and found herself back in womby bliss. Her eyes opened more as blankets were put on the windows and there she was, moving legs and arms, feeling the watery extension of her previous home.....
We sat in the pool, supported by Homoepathics, by beauty mama Paige and birthed the placenta, Mossy fed, baby fed...we let the cord be...
Later we found out Lotus was 8 pounds 12 oz, about 4 kgs. She is healthy, calm and so sweet with her elegant lady fingers, feeding perfectly, loved sweetly.
Freebirthed into freedom at 6.20 pm on 09:02:2011.<3

Oh Holly that is the 4th time I have read your birth story and it is just as magikal as the first time I read it. Such a wise woman you are and with the love and support of your family, a beautiful start to Baby Lotus' life. I can't wait to meet her <3 Angel xx
ReplyDeleteI became a follower when I saw your chocolate cake recipe, then I discovered your birth story and I can see this blog is gonna be about a whole lot of stuff I love!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Holly :) I met u at the Unschooling Conference at Tallebudgera - I was 14 wks pg at the time, and you were I think a few wks ahead of me? I love your birth story - so rich and beautiful - thx for sharing :) My son was born at home, in the water, in late Feb - an amazing experience :) Hope to see you at the next conference? :)