Meeting a need with love and connection for me is really, really important for me. I want my children to know that their needs/wants are as important and valid to me as they are to them, and assisting them to meet that need/want is a really, really beautiful thing.
What if our children grew up knowing that they are powerful creators AND worthy of all that they dream of? What if we gave them that message with our interactions rather than the alternative?
I come from SUCH different conditioning, and I am allowing myself to be open to new ways of saying Yes! daily. As a mama who is choosing this path, of Radical Unschooling, every day I find ways to give my children really positive messages about abundance, about their connection to their own feelings, to their own needs and wants and to their own truth.
That openness to responding with wide open "Yes", helps me know that we can find a way to meet that need together, if not now in this moment then we make a plan to help that or even more importantly ALLOW the energy to flow so it CAN manifest. I believe that because of that knowing that it can happen, it invites really interesting ways for the desire to manifest, for example:
Not every time we are in a shop, can I meet Mossy's need for a product right away, instead of thinking "ho no! here we go again" I stop and check in to see if it feels "authentic" for me to meet that need right away by buying it, there on the spot. Breathing, checking in, and validating his needs are important steps for me. Sometimes finding other interesting ways to meet that need are important too.
A week ago, due to my monies being allocated to certain places that week, I was in a situation where M was quite adament that a certain new wooden toy would be a great and fabulous life enhancing experience, he expressed strongly his desire for this toy.
I got down on his level, kneeling beside him and said, "Moss, I know that this is something you greatly want to bring into your life, your needs are really important to me and I want to help you find a way to bring this into your experience." I expressed that
I was really open to ways to meet this need, and because I knew that he is a powerful creator, that I believed beyond anything that he could and would have this toy. (Just not right at this moment)
BTW, I am really open to other ways of expressing this, I was met with tears, and a little guy that didn't want to leave the Post Office, we DID stay a fairly long time in there talking quietly, comforting, allowing tears to flow. I sat with him the whole time. Letting him know I really understand his feelings. I guess, Validating needs and responding compassionately.
Mossy got up and was able to put the toy back, when he was ready, while i waited, and we strolled out, I felt confident we would attract a circumstance that would meet the need in the end and because of my ability to stay open to solutions, ideas really started to flow within me.
Soon, Mossy was in high spirits again and we played as we usually do on our errands and walks.
Just a few days ago, we had a market stall over a whole weekend at a sustainability fiesta. This was a wonderful event, Mossy strolled the market with his friends, had fun trying out different foods and smoothies and scouring the stalls with second hand toys! (awesome score of a crazy cool nerf gun!)
Then, as it happens there was a tent allocated to woodworking, kids and parents were in there banging in nails, gluing wood and creating great new toys! Mossy and Peck spent hours over the weekend creating planes (not at all unlike the ones he had wanted so much in the Post Office) and really enjoying the time they had together, creating, banging nails, choosing just the right pieces of wood to create battle planes.
I love that even if something can't happen right away, by fully allowing and having a belief in the potential for things to manifest, the Universe will always bring things about in surprising and delightful ways!
I have also come up with a few other exciting ideas for Mossy, so that his "rockets of desire" so to speak, things that interest him and excite him and inspire him can be truely brought into his life, still by nurturing his ability to believe that anything is possible, that he is actually the centre of his universe, and that it will find the path of least resistance to get it to him.
Breaking through my own psychological barriers of lack have been well and truely mirrored back to me in my interactions with a little guy who truely knows he is worthy of anything he wants. I am eternally appreciating the expansion Radical Unschooling and saying Yes offers.
I love the exciting ways life reveals itself to us daily, I love that we constantly rendezvous with abundance, creativity, caring people, happy smiles, interesting gatherings, like minds, exciting new toys, brilliant Apps and wonderful parks to play in and so, so much more.
I love that saying yes is a great place to start connecting, it offers creativity, expansion, love, authenticity, beaming smiles and I especially love when Moss looks deep into my eyes and says "This is gonna be so cool , Mum!"
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