There is such a focus on if our kids are learning daily, as an unschooling Mama one thing I know to be true is that you cannot live without learning, it happens ALL the time! Even to me! So I started to think about my own passions at the moment~mainly to get my focus off what my son isn't doing!!! HA! and it has really helped me see what is happening for him!!!
Learning hasn't stopped since becoming a mama, in fact it has just shown me how much there really is to life on Earth, gosh, the whole Universe!!! It is this amazing unravelling expanding spiral, i guess like a vortex of creation! it is so cool, to be here now, with so much we can dig our heels into!
For me, I am utterly fascinated with flavours. I absolutely love trying out new combinations, getting the alchemy, the energetic flow spot on, so people who try my foods, just melt in deliciousness. I am constantly creating, making, refining recipes so I can learn more and more about it, then it leads me onto something else and I get so excited because it spurs me onto making something even more amazing! Researching the ingredients we have at our fingertips now is so fascinating, i love researching the how things are made, like ~ how is the mesquite pod ground into a sweet powder?
I love to draw, admittedly it happens in spurts and starts, and stops. I love texture, feeling different mediums on different papers, blending and feeling the flow again that energetic flow of lines, shapes, its delicious to think about drawing as i write this! I love keeping a little book to capture a moment, and i love flicking back thru the pages to feel what i was feeling on the days i drew sea scapes, trees, people.....i am also keeping an appreciation journal.
I dip in and out of things, one thing I love to do daily is listen to an Abraham Hicks excerpt. It brings me home, into that knowledge that I am responsible for the connection between me and myself. Love that. From that place, all interactions, all action is inspired and authentic. That's a place I want to master with ease. it feels awesome to be there, in my vortex, living in flow.
I can never know where someone else's passions will lead them. I have a family in which we do our best to allow all passions to be nurtured. Peck knew from a young age he wanted to Climb huge trees, work for exciting environmental causes, and that has lead him to so many other new inspired passions that he may not have matched up with if he didn't follow those impulses from his younger years.
I cannot know the true relevance of all my sons passions either, now 4, M loves his ipad, it has opened windows for him in all sorts of directions, {as young boys in my own experience) love, he is exploring planes, fighter jets, paper airplane models, ships, cannons, battles, racing cars, pirates, trains, animals, sea life, boxing, Dora, Diego, making smoothies and fresh juices, figuring out what kind of dog he wants in his life, icecream, timezone, money, numbers, letters and clocks, tumbling, his physicality like doing stunts and acro.
There is probably HEAPS more too, he is sporadic in all of these things, at the moment there is no consistancy, no drawing, certainly no painting, not much interest in puzzles, books, even libraries, but all these other things are exciting him!
I sometimes get a spurt of, holy crap "What am I doing????" but I just breathe and remember what I am learning about being, allowing, appreciating and feeling the joy unfold in our lives, because we can be in control of only ourselves, that's something we really foster in our home.
Tend to your own happiness, then you have truely remarkable remarkable relationships. That is for another post I guess.